program description
According to the Lisbon Strategy (Lisbon, 2000), Europe should become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, a so-called learning economy. In the region of Crete, significant efforts have been made to establish a high quality biomedical research community which has increased employment and economic growth through its advances. TransPOT aims to build on this existing expertise and research potential, with a view to provide the biomedical community in the region with the centralized resources necessary to perform cutting edge translational research and technology development.
In recognition of its capabilities, the European Commission has awarded a competitive €3,040,000 Regional Potential (REGPOT-FP7) program to a University of Crete Medical School team, led by Associate Professor Aristides Eliopoulos. The objective of this program, code-named TransPOT (Translational POTential) is to enhance the technological capability of the team in the fields of regenerative medicine and genomics. The establishment of state-of-the-art infrastructure is intended to attract high-calibre scientists to lead research in the region and will develop networks with major research entities in Europe.
Regenerative medicine is a rapidly advancing scientific domain which is expected to dominate future therapeutic strategies in the management of various diseases. TransPOT will establish a good manufacturing practices (GMP) Cell Therapy Laboratory, which aims to develop cell, gene or biomaterial-based therapeutic tools with a view to implementing them for improved patient treatment. Expected clinical applications include cartilage and bone repair of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, cardiomyopathies, peripheral arterial disease, hemopoietic malignancies, T cell-based therapies for solid tumors etc.
In the past few years key advances in technology have revolutionized genome analysis research, assisting a wide spectrum of translational research activities, including target gene identification, pre-clinical testing, drug discovery, development, application and monitoring of therapies, concept discovery and modelling (reverse translation) in various diseases. To facilitate these components of translational medical research, TransPOT will also establish a state-of-the-art Genomics facility which aims to provide support and services to both the biomedical community and private sector in Greece.
TransPOT aspires to lead translational medical research efforts in Greece.
The TransPOT consortium aspires to lead local and National efforts on translational medical research by:
- Enhancing the available technology and making available physical resources for the contact of high-quality biomedical research;
- Supporting emerging translational research activities in other regions of Greece;
- Protecting and improving human resources and reversing the 'brain-drain' at the local and National level;
- Improving training and education thus creating a new generation of outstanding scientists who can further promote excellence in research;
- Harmonizing translational research in Greece with the rest of Europe, along the lines of EU roadmaps;
- Stimulating interactions with the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors at National and International level;
- Providing industrial partners with innovation portfolios which will allow them to accommodate emerging needs in the drug/biotech market;
Genomics Lab |
The award of the TransPOT grant has allowed us to acquire a state-of-the-art laser capture microdissection system and a robotic real-time PCR system for mid and high-throughput analyses. Trained personnel funded by TransPOT ensure the professional use of this equipment and aids users to optimize their experiments when using the facilities. |
GMP Cell Therapy Unit |
The GMP cell processing unit consists of four positive air-pressure modular clean-rooms covering a total surface of 35m2 inside the main building of the Medical School. |
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